Project Proposal


Joseph Wombwell

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Describe your project response as a short Problem:

How can we provide effective mental health services to university students?

Describe the Problem in a paragraph:

Students in the university system are often stress due to workloads and personal issues and the current system for the mental health system at Lincoln University is not currently equipped to help these students with waiting times ranging from a week to a month. The information is currently difficult to access and with other avenues of seeking medical help being attacked with the attempted closing of the Walk In Centre it is more important now then ever to improve the service currently available from the University.

Provide at least 2 examples of proof the Problem exists:

1 in 4 students at University suffers from some form of mental health problem with depression and anxiety being the main causes. –

75% of young people with a mental health problem are not receiving treatment. –

51% of young people believe that anyone their age diagnosed with a mental illness would be embarrassed.

The two leading mental health problems among students are Depression (77%) and Anxiety (74%).

Mental health prevalence-01 Mental health types-01

Target Audience:

The main target audience is students at the University of Lincoln. I intend to start with this audience as I’m comfortable with providing possible solutions to this system as these may not be suitable for every other University in the country. The system in place at the University of Lincoln is currently unresponsive and need to have easier access to the tools and services available to them as students of the University.

Project Scope:

The scope of the project is focused on Lincoln University as it can be overwhelming to tackle the university system in its entirety and solutions that may work for the University of Lincoln  may not be successful for other universities or their students.


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